We’ve said for months here at Colorado Pols that former Congressman Scott McInnis is unlikely to be a candidate for governor in 2006, no matter what supporters might be wishing for. If his statements to the Cortez Journal are any indication, we’re probably right:
…During an interview at Saturdays GOP gathering, McInnis explained his most recent thoughts on the 2006 gubernatorial election, a race he continues to flirt with. He suggested if something major happens with the current Republican field he would likely get in.
“I want to make sure the Republicans win with a capable candidate,” said McInnis, who is a partner in the Denver office of the Hogan & Hartson law firm. “If I feel a few months from now that were not, Ill engage it.” McInnis was mum on whether he knew if either GOP gubernatorial candidate Marc Holtzman or Bob Beauprez was planning a fall exit. A move in that direction could entice McInnis to bid for the states top political post. “If the dynamics change, Ill get in,” he said.
It sounds like McInnis will only make that walk if it’s on a red carpet, and the only way that carpet comes down is if Holtzman or Beauprez get out of the race, and it would probably have to be Beauprez for McInnis to consider it.
But now that we’ve said that, consider what McInnis told the Grand Junction Sentinel:
McInnis said also he still was watching with interest as the gubernatorial contest plays out.
Republicans Bob Beauprez and Marc Holtzman are battling, but McInnis said much still can change, noting that Beauprez had inquired about the “drop-dead date” that would prohibit him from seeking re-election to Congress in the 7th District.
If Beauprez drops out, he said, “That changes the whole dynamic” and forces party officials to “look beyond Denver” for a new candidate, such as himself.
Colorado Pols first reported last week that Beauprez has inquired about a “drop dead date” to leave the race for governor, but this is the first we’ve heard of someone saying it publicly. Maybe McInnis is just fishing, or maybe Beauprez is really looking at getting out.
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Looks to me like McInnis was repeating what he read on ColoradoPols.
No – I don’t think Colorado Pols is making up a rumor about a “drop-dead date”. We’ve heard the same thing over here.
Beauorez is in this for the long haul…you people are hideous.
Good to see you’re such a big supporter “LJJ”. You should probably try spelling your candidate’s name correctly though.
I’ve always had a gut feeling that Beauprez would not be a distance runner in the governor’s race. His horrible votes in the House make him a rich target for both Republican and Democratic opponents who are fiscally responsible. His rubber-stamp votes for the Bush ocean of red ink in the House make him vulnerable … in the state contest or for re-election to the U.S. House.
I would love to run against his record of supporting huge deficits, huge increases in the national debt, and voting for billions of tax dollars for pork projects.
Hey CD123… A few of us here in Douglas have heard about the drop dead date as well. Between that and Bob’s “Back Problems”… It’s looking more and more like BB is trying to find a way back to the 7th.
Yall are in a freaking dream world. Seriously, welcome back to earth. Bob’s running for Governor
Sure ziik, keep up the party line… I’m just saying it is looking funny.
You’ve got my support Dave! I’ll even put up your signs like I did for Ralph in 2000 tough guy!
Of course I can’t vote in the 7th… But we in the 4th are right behind you all the way there Dave! I bet you’ll suck all those “independant” minded GOP types right up and take the Green Party on to victory!
Beauprez supporters on this site never have anything to say besides, you’re wrong or you’re biased. They don’t ever back up their statements with anything. “Bob’s running for governor!” is a lame response to the fact that he’s asking what his drop dead date is. That’s great that you support Bob, but saying I’m right and you’re not isn’t an argument.
McInnis for guy? Yeah, and then he woke up!!!
When Dick Cheney is stumping for Rick O’Donnell in the 7th CD, it is going to be pretty hard for Beauprez to back out of the Governor’s race and into the 7th CD race in a way that saves face and preserves you as a credible candidate.
The drop dead date, by the way, is Spring of 2006 sometime.
These are the facts as I see them.
ROD raised $275k last quarter
ROD had Speaker Hastert at a fundraiser
ROD has the VPOTUS coming in October
Apparently BB told the NRCC and the Speaker that he was running for Gov. Period.
MH has been on the trail complaining about BB running for gov instead of staying in the 7th. (This is not helpful on many different fronts).
The caucus is March 20, the Congressional Assembly is May 19. Either would be a decent drop-dead-date. Although I think the “smoking the Coloradopols Bong” date has already passed.
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